actually stripping hardware is not so bad. Get a coffee can. Pour Citrisolve stripper in can. Take off hardware in a fit of effort. Dump in can, put lid on, leave somewhere away from dogs. A week later, wonder why there are no doorknobs on the closet. Remember the coffee can. Fish out the hardware.( Save the cirtisolve in the can, it can be re-used.) Rinse. Most of mine hasn't been repainted, but I wax it with paste wax before I put it back up. Really, you can do this.
actually stripping hardware is not so bad. Get a coffee can. Pour Citrisolve stripper in can. Take off hardware in a fit of effort. Dump in can, put lid on, leave somewhere away from dogs. A week later, wonder why there are no doorknobs on the closet. Remember the coffee can. Fish out the hardware.( Save the cirtisolve in the can, it can be re-used.) Rinse. Most of mine hasn't been repainted, but I wax it with paste wax before I put it back up. Really, you can do this.
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