Saturday, September 17, 2011

Say nice things about me, 'cause I'm gone. . .

Tomorrow I leave for California, where I will be spending a week in the lap of near-luxury, if not outright dissipation, in the company of Beloved Sister and Friend Pens The Lotion Slut.

Beloved Sis has been emailing all week with details about the tiny goats'-milk soap she's wrapped in Japanese printed paper and arranged lovingly in tiny straw baskets in the guest-house bathroom. Pens said today on the phone, "It just makes me feel bad to think that we're going to be using up all her toothpaste and stuff, you know?" To which I replied, "Beloved Sis will be like a pig in a wallow, knowing that she can go out and buy new Vetiver soaps and wrap them in delicate paper with flower-petal inclusions. GET OVER IT ALREADY."

There is whale-watching scheduled. And wine-tasting. And pedicures and facials and a B & B in Cambria after the tour of the Hearst Castle. I am taking a pair of leggings on this trip, bought special today at Target: that's how you know I'm serious about being in Northern California.

What this means for you, the devoted minions of Head Nurse: I will not, unless circumstances permit, which I certainly hope they don't, be posting. I'll update you on the Hospital Follies du jour when I get back. You're on your own.

There may be pictures, too.

PS: Thanks for the good wishes and prayers; my house is on the other side of Bigton from the fires, which are now mostly-contained. If y'all want to donate money or clothing or household goods to the folks in Central Texas who lost fucking everything, please talk to your local Red Cross chapter. We need animal chow, too--everything from cat food to horse feed. Thank you.


Luis said...

Oooh, Cambria's lovely. My grandparents lived there for many years and my uncle now owns a house up there. You'll have a great time. It's a tourist trap but it's a lovely town.

You know, you seem like the kind of person who would get a laugh out of reading books by Christopher Moore. A couple of them are set in a fictionalized Cambria: PRACTICAL DEMONKEEPING, THE LUST LIZARD OF MELANCHOLY COVE, and THE STUPIDEST ANGEL. Another, COYOTE BLUE, is set in Santa Barbara.

Have fun out there. Blow a kiss to the ocean for me. It's been a long time since I've been out Cambria way.

Silliyak said...

If you end up north of SF, lv a comment on my blog, schedule permitting, maybe my bride and I could show you (and friends?) around a bit. Harvest is just starting for the grapes, it's late, it's been a cool (sorry) summer.

bobbie said...

Cambria ROCKS!!! I used to live about 30 minutes south of there (Los Osos). And you're going at the perfect time of year!!
If you can, go to dinner at BeachHouse Bistro in Morro Bay ~ tell Liz or Gerr that Duncan's mom sent you!!!
Can't wait to hear how it went!!

Rosanna said...

'Simply (cephalocaudally, Jo!) allow............ the crisp, *refreshing* ocean air............ the soothing, *hypnotic* sounds of the ocean's waves............ the flat-out-luxurious *bliss* of your Beloved Sister's goats'-milk Vetiver soaps/the pedicures/the facials............ and the blessed, *balm*-for-the-soul-ness of California wines............ etc., etc., etc. ............ to be your one-week ~ E.S.C.A.P.E. ~ F.R.O.M. ~ I.T. ~ A.L.L., ~ B.E.C.A.U.S.E. ~ Y.O.U.----(richly, i.e., in *spades*!)----D.E.S.E.R.V.E. ~ I.T.!!

Jack and I hope that you have a safe trip, and also just a *real* nice time, too!!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

So you are headed for my stomping grounds, are you? Bring your leggings and bring fuzzy sox too, it goes into the fifties at night and the floors are Cold. As are the toilet seats.

Welcome to the Bare-E-Uh, as we say. slurring the long a into the short one so lazily.

jimbo26 said...

Being a gentleman , I don't like swearing in the company of young ladies , but , have a fucking good time . ;-)

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Welcome to the most beautiful place in the world. Have a blast!

messymimi said...

Enjoy to your heart's content, and don't let us hear from you until you come down from the mountaintop.

Mia said...

Have fun! I think I'm a little bit north-er than where you'll be (there's a whole lot of Northern California)--it sounds like your trip will be fantastic. Somehow we'll get along until you get back.

Elyse said...

Cambria is beautiful! If you take any pictures I'd love to see one of Sis's goat's milk soap wrapped in delicate Japanese paper with flower petal inclusions. I am truly in awe of people who do things like that.

Especially when they don't get pissed off if you use them like my former MIL did when her friends had the gall to pull such a stunt. I guess they were supposed to grub under the sink for the gallon-sized refill jug of Dial.

shrimplate said...

I hope you enjoy your well-deserved rest. It sounds wonderful.

Halie (Scrubs Editor) said...

Hope you are having a fabulous time! Hearst Castle is to die for, make sure to spring for a couple of tours. And wine tasting, make sure to hit that up too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Welcome! I hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing time here!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lots of Slo-cals on here! I'm from Los Osos as well. Cambria is gorgeous this time of year, so you should be fine with leggings and a sweatshirt for night. Eat tons of seafood and take a drive up to Big Sur.


Penny Mitchell said...