Thursday, January 22, 2009

In which Nurse Jo asks a favor

If anybody out there is in contact with LPN With An M16, could you please let me know how she's doing? You can pass my email (linked to the right, under "Speak") on, too, if she's in a place where she can easily email.

I'm really worried about this nonending headache she's had. I know I'm getting all mother-hen-y, but...I'm concerned.

I do not want this to be LPNcM16.


Unknown said...

her email is just to the right on her blog as well, so you can email her directly. :) In case you don't have her blog (which i'm assuming you do since you know about her headache), it's, and her email is (spelled out) armynurse301 (at) gmail (dot) com

the good news is she ended up in hospital, they think they know what's up, and she's on 4-day recovery. you're a good mother hen.

Jo said...

Thanks, Denise! I missed the link to email (DOH!).