Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Two and a half minutes of nomming Teddy Bear.

This is. . .amazing.

Real posts a bit later, after I get back from buying new blades for my reciprocating saw.


  1. Wow. I had no idea that porcupines were that cute!

  2. LOVE, Love, love this!!!


  3. I think I make the same sound while nomming pumpkin pie. And I definitely react the same way when someone tries to take it away. :)

    Now, what is Aunt Jo up to with a recipricating saw?

  4. Anonymous4:55 AM
    Interesting article about synaethesia. you mentioned something about it on one of your blogs.

  5. So, a couple of questions:

    1. Do all porcupines make those noises while eating?

    2. How long will it be before stupid people start thinking they need a porcupine pet?

    3. Is the new saw blade for cutting up and hiding the bodies of the Blue Cross people?

  6. OMG. Cuter than a freaking Ewok.

    And if the saw blade is for the Blue Cross administration, I'll help you bury the bodies.

  7. I even grew up on a FARM, but I sure didn't know that porcupines "talked" this way, Jo----a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!!
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    By the way, Penny Mitchell's Question #3, (i.e., 5:43 AM, Above), about your new blades for your reciprocating saw is simply *hilarious*, (haha)!!

    Another "little something" that you might niftily-do with your reciprocating saw, (although a scroll saw might work better), is to cut-out the s.h.a.p.e. ............ (i.e., in order to fit directly OVER a doorway in say, your Living Room area, IF there's enough over-the-doorway wall space) ............ of a *large* NEURAL CELL BODY and attached DENDRITES ............ and carefully paint, or stain, the shape to exactly match the finish on the door frame. (The door frame will then be the MYELIN SHEATH around the open, AXON doorway). Securely mount the cut-out shape above the doorway ............ space little eye screws around the periphery of the ENTIRE "nerve" structure ............ thread some, say, flexible nylon cord or rope *through* all the eye screws and fasten the two ends firmly. Then ............ with bendable ties, fasten a long strand of little white Twinkle Lights securely *to* the cord/rope ............ turn the Twinkle Lights "On" ............ open a bottle of wine, Jo ............ and have a *P.A.R.T.Y.* until the Twinkle Lights look like *stars* ............ instead of a (stylized) nerve, (haha)!!

  8. Anonymous6:09 PM

    There's this cute video of a BABY porcupine hiccuping and eating a banana:

  9. OMG... I have watched this and the one of him eating the corn dozens of times, and it just keeps getting cuter. He even throws his paw over the pumpkin when she moves closer - sooooo CUTE!

    This and the other one made my horrible weeks just a tiny bit better - so thank you!!


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