Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In case you've had an especially bad day. . .

I present the Strontium-90 of cute animal videos.

This is not a title I bestow lightly. Until today, the best-ever cute animal video was that of a porcupine who thought he was a puppy. He's been dethroned by a greedy porcupine. At least they kept it in the species.

Behold: Teddy the Selfish Porcupine!

Man. That is one fretful porpentine.


  1. Wow! I didn't know porcupines actually sounded like that. I swear he was talking back to her! The voice was so befitting that it was almost like a cartoon! Very cute and a nice pick-me-up.

  2. Very cute! I never knew porcupines even made noises! He seems to be saying "Booger off lady! Get your own corn!"

  3. If I had teeth like that and loved corn that much, she would have let go and walked away.

  4. I thought someone had dubbed in the voice too! That's very cute. As they say in the South, with teeth like that he could eat an ear of corn through a picket fence.

  5. I'd say that Lovely Owl may give this corn lubber a run for his money...http://youtu.be/3G1PFLuTrgM

  6. clairesmum5:25 PM

    oh boy, he loves corn on the cob as much as I do!
    do you know the song "All God's critters" by Bill Staines? There is a line in the refrain "...and the porcupine talks to himself."
    The line comes out of a wilderness camping trip in Montana on a moonless night. He was in the tent, in the dark, and awakened to hear a chirruping sound outside around the tent - scared him quite badly - but he HAD to find out the source. He used a tiny flashlight to peer out from the tent, and found a "big old porcupine talking away" by the fire pit.

  7. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Awww that's so cute. thanks for the post hehe


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