Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Best voicemail ever.

"Hi, this is Dr. So-and-so from Littleton Animal Hospital. I have Max's blood test results here, and they all look great. Wonderful. Take care; 'bye."

Max has been on Rimadyl for three months, and it's like we've knocked five years off of his age. He had blood tests run today, and a nail clipping (HORRORS IT'S A PAWDICURE HORRORS), and all is well.

Elsie-Mo got hit by the doggy equivalent of an incoming asteroid. I think it might, *might* just take that much to take Max out. For a dog who's half German Shep and half Huge Enormous What The Hell, he's doing well.

I love my Flying Flapdoodle Snacktracker. It was a good voicemail.


  1. Scritchees and love from Auntie Penny!!!

  2. Yay Max! Amazing what pain control can do. Maybe I should ask my rheumatologist if I can go on rimadyl?

  3. woohoo! wonderful news. keep on trucking, max!

  4. Well done Max . ( and Jo )

  5. Hooray! Three cheers for Max!

  6. Wonderful! xoxo to Max from Zoe & Sam :)

  7. Over a year ago we had to put sweet little Daphne down and we thought we might lose Daisy as well. The doc put her on Deramax and she's been going strong ever since. She's still old and fat and waddles when she walks but she's still up and pupping. Especially when it's chow time.

    Give Max a good belly rub from Uncle Rev.

  8. To Jo: A **(((hug)))** of RELIEF about Max's blood test results!!

    To Max: Little **(((pats)))** of AFFECTION on his big, very trusting & devoted, furry head!!

    From: Rosanna and Jack


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