Monday, September 13, 2010

So. Tomorrow.

Heidi (I think it was Heidi; my apologies if I've got that wrong) wanted to know what, exactly, the good doctor will be doing in the morning.

I haven't the foggiest idea.

I suspect there will be at least a biopsy involved, though perhaps more. The nice lady from the office who confirmed my appointment today reminded me not to eat or drink anything after midnight, just in case I wanted to be put to sleep for the procedure.

Ve haff vays off makingk you zleeeeep.

Which all makes me think that either the good doc is going to take this damned thing *out*, which would be more than okay with me, or that they offer sedated biopsies to people who are less afraid of not breathing than they are of needles.

Call me a nut, call me a crazy dreamer, call me one of those quirky do-it-yourselfers, but I really prefer to maintain my own airway.

So. After the biopsy/eviction, I suspect there will be a wait for pathology reports. The best-case scenario is that the good doctor will hit Cap'n Lumpy with his special patented Cancer Detecto-X Ma-cheen and say, "Oh, hell, why do those people at that dentist's office keep wasting my time?" and send me cheerfully (and sedatedly) on my way after excising a ginormously impacted salivary duct. The worst-case scenario is one I have firmly banished from my brain. The reality will probably be a week's wait or more. Again.

Either way, I'll post something as soon as I can sit up long enough to type.

Everything else here is going swimmingly. All I have to do in the morning is change the sheets (a long-time habit of mine: if I know I'm getting sick, or if I have to do something that involves more than a blood draw, I like to have clean sheets) and refill Max's water bowls. I have a fridge full of soft, bland food that doesn't take a lot of effort to swallow, and a line of people willing to do everything from clean the cat box to gas up my car if necessary. I have, speaking of the cats, food and litter galore for them and enough to last Max a week, plus enough coffee to get through. So I'm as prepared as I'm going to get.

Say your prayers, children. We'll see what happens.


  1. Thinking of you, and sending plenty of good health vibes your way. I'm glad you have such a great support system in place!

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Best wishes, fellow nurse. Good vibes headed your way.

  3. Was going to try and be snappy and perky, but I really just want to say I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    You don't know me from Trogdor, but I wanted you to know that a stranger is sending her most helpful thoughts. I wish you clear skies!

  5. Thinking good thoughts for you!

  6. Ditto what everybody else said. (double ditto on the "you don't know me, but...)

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending good thoughts your way!

  7. JannieCPH9:14 PM

    Prayer said

  8. so, exactly how much food does it take to have a week of ma munchie? i'm picturing the guys at petco following you home with a forklift.

  9. And I'll still be there at your side ~ offering a silent presence of strength and caring...

  10. About to slip upstairs to the hospital chapel to say a few prayers for my patients tonight--I didn't think you'd mind being included along with them. Be good Miss Jo, I know Max and the cats will be keeping a close eye on you.

  11. Holding you up to the healing energy of our universe and all who reside within her. May you find some peace tonight.

  12. Rachel1:17 AM

    Good thought coming your way from the UK xxx

  13. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Another lurker, just creeping in to wish you all the best.

  14. I think I am at least 5h ahead (timezone wise) from you so I still have a chance to send you some "things go smoothly" positive vibes, prayers, energy, thoughts.

    Must be weird/tough/annoying to be a patient.

    I truly hope that everything goes well and that you can keep your sanity while you wait for results.


  15. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Another stranger, thinking of you. Waiting is the worst.

  16. I like clean sheets too, for the same reasons.

  17. Thinking of you today, and sending positive thoughts your way. Good luck!

  18. Good luck today. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  19. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.


  20. Hang in there Jo. Good luck. Karma sent from Nyack, NY.

  21. Lynne6:19 AM

    Deep peace of of the running wave to you,
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you,
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,
    Deep peace of the shining stars to you,
    Deep peace.

  22. Anonymous6:29 AM

    you're in my thoughts today...and all the docs/nurses/techs etc that you have contact with, that they will work with wisdom and kindness....

  23. Thinking of you so much today! Fingers crossed, hope you get an immediate "oh wait, that's nothing!"

  24. Another stranger thinking positive juju for you today.

  25. The Lurkette8:27 AM

    Prayers, positive energy and gentle, healing hugs winging their way to you from Israel.


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