Sunday, September 12, 2010

Best. Friends. EVAR.

Nurse Ames, when I called her to give her the news that Cap'n Lumpy had been discovered, said, "I'll take myself off of the schedule on Tuesday and take you to the doctor."

Friend Pens the Lotion Slut just ended the phone call we were having with "You'll call me tomorrow, right? And on Tuesday? Just as soon as you can coherently string words together? On my cell phone?"

I asked my bestie, the Russian Prince, for a chatty email and he sent me a thousand-word essay on rebuilt road bikes and broken toes.

I have the best friends ever. And the best family, too.

I am a very, very lucky woman.


  1. Glad to hear it! Friends like those are the best!

  2. Fabulous!!! It is comforting to have such great support. Still praying.

  3. I just... wow. Sorry to pile in so late, but I went away for the weekend. (I know, like THAT'S an excuse.) Wishing you the very very best, and I believe this is BENIGN.

  4. Family and friends will get you through times of no money better than money will get you thru times of no friends and family. I, too, am blessed to have the best evar; let's stop and count ....

  5. Praying for you Jo. Don't know your full name, don't care...God knows who I'm talking about.

  6. That is the one good thing I've found about crisis.

    It brings people out of the woodwork in the most dazzling and beautiful ways.

    I am glad you have such a great support network around you right now.

  7. Like your friend Pens, I would also beg for a word from you here as soon as you are able.

    Prayers will continue.

  8. To repeat what others have said, a crisis is when you find out who your true friends are. They're the ones who say, "OK, how can I help" and then do it.

    I also missed your posts about this while having my life sucked away by other events this past week, so of course I am worried for you, kind nurse who I only know through the blog she writes. I will keep telling the universe, from inside my crazy little head, that Cap'n Lumpy's middle name is Benign.

  9. Let me know if you would like my husband to e-mail you the blow-by-blow account of the 50 mile trail run he just did over the weekend, because he's going to want to tell the story and god knows I don't want to hear it more than once. (Actually, I don't want to hear it at all, but good wife = listening at least once.) Also let me know if you require more Bisignano's salad dressing.

  10. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow, as I have been all weekend (for what little that is worth). It's BENIGN.


  11. Heidi4:22 PM

    I'm sorry if this is askin' for too much info, but what will be happening tomorrow? Biopsy? Will they be able to give you the skinny on Cap'n Lumpy right away? Just wondering... In any event, sending lots of positive affirmations your way. Or, er, benign affirmations I mean. ;)


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