Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So I'm weird. What's it to you?

I find the most fascinating site on the Internet.

Macerators? Power showers? Bathrooms en suite? It's a whole new world.


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I trust you will install the Slipper Tub and the Glow-Warm Towel Rack forthwith? Thus saving close to 300 pounds.
    Faithful Reader

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    so what if you are. everyone has a weirdness in their own way.


  3. Mom: I mentioned to Chef Boy that I wished we'd seen the site prior to doing the bathroom remodel. After he finished his huge gulp of beer and got his color back, he asked, " save all that space in the bathroom. What do you DO with it?"

    Gotta admit he had a point.

  4. Well, I GUESS that we could install an in-the-wall clothes hamper, thus getting rid of the one on your bedroom floor while(gasp) saving you MORE space. Holy space-saving Batman!

  5. Yes, i can see here that it is great site.


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