Thursday, July 14, 2016

Do NOT go there.

An incomplete list of websites I strongly urge you to avoid:

Urban Remains Chicago

Hygge & West

Plant Delights

Ivey Abitz

On the upside, I know what I'll be doing with my lottery winnings.


  1. Urban Remains.
    You TOLD me not to go there.
    WHY didn't I listen!!

    The Captcha is too hard.

  2. Curses, now I have to scratch up some self control and NOT GO THERE. Quick, post something funny to distract me!

  3. Recently learned that hygge is the Danish word for cozy...

  4. If you are interested in prospecting for urban remains in Chicago try Grant Park. When the Chicago fire occurred in 1871 the remains of the city were hauled to the shores of Lake Michigan forming Lakefront Park which is now Grant Park. The area around Buckingham Fountain is rumored to be an especially fertile area for artifacts. Be sure to have a good explanation when the man in blue asks about your shovel!

  5. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Try Salvage One website too....will need more $$$$!

  6. Whatever you do, don't complete this list.
    I can't afford it.


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