Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Heads-up and queries:

I. . .I noticed the other day that, um, my blog design is like, you know, ten years old? And a lot of the links are broken or outdated? And I got really embarrassed? But I didn't actually do anything about it because I am a curb-crawling, lazy SOB blogger with a mind on Higher Things.

So now I wanna give all y'all Minions a heads-up: In the next week or so, maybe, I might kinda be re-doing some of the links and maybe the text size and so on, so if the blog goes down totally, that's why.


How does the text of the main body resolve for y'all? It's really small for me.

How does this bad boy look on mobile or tablet?

Should I ditch the full-text thing and go for "more below the break" formatting? I know I talk a lot, and I'm wondering if that would make for easier scrolling or if, as it does to me, it would drive people insane.

How does the Garnier Nutrisse Warm Copper compare to L'Oreal Preference 7LA Lightest Auburn? Good match, or Bonzo Orange?


  1. The font is small, but I am accustomed to holding down the control button and rolling the wheel on the mouse away from me to make fonts bigger. I come here to read what you say. The format doesn't matter to me. Just don't disappear entirely!

  2. The text is tiny on the ipad, but it can easily be resized. Hope that helps.

  3. Your font could be a little larger, but it's not bad. I do appreciate the black print on white background, it's very readable. I personally do not like "more below the break" because it's an extra click, and if your internet access is slow, it's just more aggravation.
    If you click on the "design" button (upper right hand corner of your blog home page) you can activate a mobile device format with one click. That will format you for the phones with no effort on your part.
    I like your format, everything you need, nothing you don't. When traveling we have limited data, so a clean website is a joy to behold. Plus, I love your writing.

  4. Text of main body ~ could be a bit bigger, for us old farts...

    ??? on the mobile or tablet visage ~ N/A for me

    IX-NAY on the "below-the-break" stuff ~ I HATE THAT!!!

    Re: colors ~ I prefer "Warm Irish Red" by???

  5. Text is maybe on the smaller size of normal? Like maybe 11 font instead of 12. ;) (I'm on a macbook.) It's always looked fine on my iPhone and I can zoom in to fit the screen. "More below the break" drives me BONKERS. So no, please don't! I obviously go to blogs to read them. Any color with the word 'copper' might not turn out good.

  6. jo:

    I tried a new theme and it worked wonders. Some of the Blogger ones aren't bad on mobile.

    Good luck!

  7. Comradde PhysioProffe7:54 PM

    "Should I ditch the full-text thing and go for "more below the break" formatting? I know I talk a lot, and I'm wondering if that would make for easier scrolling or if, as it does to me, it would drive people insane."

    Nooooooooooooo! That "break" formatting fuckes shitte uppe for those who read via RSS.

  8. Anonymous9:19 PM

    The text size is too small; I much prefer full-text; and my hairdresser recommends Wella Color Charm.

  9. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Have it all on one page, no clicking through.
    Best improvement would be more frequent posting!

  10. Keep it all on one page. "Below the break" for webpages was invented to artificially increase page views and generate more ad revenue. It's dumb. Avoid it.

    The main change I'd like to see is an update to the blog list in the sidebar. Most nursing blogs worth reading have gone away or stopped updating, and if you've found any good replacements I would love to see them.

  11. Full text please. I find the font size fine. this format looks good on my samsung galaxy S3.

    Not a good match dye wise I've found. The Garnier colors tend towards very strong orange tones I've noticed.

  12. PLEASE no "after the break" bit. Drives me batshit.

  13. clairesmum7:23 AM

    love the nice clean format. haven't had trouble reading on Apple desktop, laptop, phone, or iPad. dunno much about hair colors - Mother Nature does mine. Always enjoy your posts.

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Please don't do 'more after the break' it's really annoying.

  15. Garnier is more orange, I am always unhappy when I go away from Loreal (and i use the 9GR, closest to my natural color).

  16. Your text is fine on my mobile. Bumped into your blog by accident, nice blog :-)

  17. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Layout is meaningless to me.

    Just post more damnit!

  18. I don't have a problem with text size. Not sure what below the fold is except in a newspaper. The format you use works fine for me and I use an iPad.

  19. One more to the chorus of leaving your entries full-text and not going the "click for more" route. I haaaaate that shit and have stopped reading more than one blog because of how much it annoys me, and I really like your blog and would want to keep reading it anyway, but I'd get aggravated every time because of the extra click, and now I'm basically just seeing how long I can keep this sentence going.


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