Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Quotable Keith (also, weather update)

We are fine here in Littleton. Bigton has hellish flooding, as do Houston and Dallas, but we in the sticks are far enough uphill of everything that we're not getting washed away. Thanks to everybody for the good wishes; I have purchased a teeny canoe for the cats and have outfitted the dog in a diving suit with one of those round windows in the helmet.

And now, what you've all been waiting for. . . .

Keith, CNRN, PCCN, CSRN, CCRN: "Why would a patient with Hashimoto's encephalopathy be on a neurological unit, rather than on med-surg, seen by endocrinology?"

Keith, CNRN, PCCN, CSRN, CCRN: "I've never understood why myesthenia gravis patients and people with Guillain-Barre came to a pulmonary unit."

Keith, Expert On Weather: "What we need is about five more feet of rain. Then we won't be in a drought for, like, years."

Keith, Arbiter of All Things Religious: "Josh Duggar was just curious. It's not like touching his sisters was molesting them."

Keith, Man of Men and Understander of Wimminfolk: "What women need is a good home and family. It's why feminists are always so angry."

Thank you. Thank you all. Good night.


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I'm a neuro nurse in Bigton, taking the SCRN soon and the CNRN later this year. Keith gives me confidence that I can pass both.

  2. Jo, I'm not even a nurse, but I could read these Keith quotables and the ensuing reaction GIFs all day. Especially the Hugh Laurie Blackadder one!

  3. That #4 comment makes me want to come over there and have a word with him myself. His clock would be thoroughly cleaned. In fact, it might never run again!

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Ok, the Keith stories are killing me. I knew a Keith once....'cept his name was Greg. Cardiac surgeon rushes into the room to open a chest on a postop Ross likely tamponade...Greg starts giving report, five minutes after walking into the room for the first time. It was a "get out of my room" moment. The surgeon apologized (which was major at the time).

  5. You have to hand it to Keith. He's not one to sit silently in quiet puzzlement. He just gets it right out there.

  6. thursdaynextgal8:22 PM

    I'm a bit shocked you all haven't worn your teeth down to nubs from gritting them whenever he opens his mouth...

  7. Well, he is entertaining.

  8. These gifs are everything.

  9. Wow! With all those certification you'd think he'd have a clue.
    Nope, just a few too many Ns!

    As they say, too bad common sense isn't common. Just sayin' ('cause I got a few N's of my own, but my fave is RN!)

    Hope it stops raining so you can stop working on the ark.

  10. Beautiful. I am shrieking with laughter over here. I think my favorite is the duck, but they're all good.

  11. Alice, that is actually a shoebill stork. That's a carnivorous member of the stork family (or maybe the heron family; nobody's really sure and there are lots of arguments) that can stand five feet tall (males) and weigh 15 pounds (again, males) and eat a whole lot of fish at one sitting. They are, next to the Pangolin, my favorite animal.

    Nothing like an armored anteater or a stork that can take your hand off at the wrist to make a lady's day.

  12. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Not to be all paranoid … but have you guys really checked out whether he actually has those credentials?


    Cuz, completely aside from the massive asshattery, he seems to lack some very basic big-picture fundamentals?

    Dude clearly ain't right … maybe someone at HR didn't do their due diligence with the BoN?

  13. Let us just assume that all those letters you've lpaced after his name are for effect only. Otherwise I'm getting incredibly scared.

  14. clairesmum4:52 PM

    As other commenters have noted, perhaps a thorough background investigation is in order...the level of mismatch between how he presents on paper and how he acts in real life, in specialty nursing care settings, is frightening. Usually these knuckleheads end up in nursing homes or home care, with minimal contact with other nurses. I'd also wonder about substance use - benzos can lead to some weird thinking and actions.

  15. Buying you 2 rounds the next time we are in the same bar.

  16. Laura7:50 PM

    As stupid of a statement as it sounds, he was somewhat (and probably inadvertently) right about the flooding. The extreme rain has been enough to replenish the area lakes, aquifers, and other natural water-storing things, to the point where little of Texas is under a drought anymore and it would take 2 years of dry weather to return to a state of drought. (Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/rains-wreaked-deadly-texas-floods-also-ended-historic-drought-n366131)

    Keith, RN, CCRN, WTFBBQ, LOL, is still an idiot though.

  17. I'm very glad, Jo, that you & yours are okay, with all of the terrible/tragic regional flooding! By the way, I read this today: CNN, 5/31/15, 3:49 ET --"Texas floods: Enough rain fell in May to cover the entire state 8 inches deep." (That, folks, is a *lotta* land/ *lotta* H2O!!)

    And "Keith -isms" are just strange! Does it seem as if there are an inordinate number of people these days who are............ degreed and/or certified out-the-wazoo, yet in possession of the common sense of............ a bag of rocks??!! (Haha!!)


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