Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Had a bad day? Have an otter having its morning bath.

With a shoutout to Friend Johnny, who is Portuguese, like this otter! (I don't know if she bathes like this, though.)


  1. She makes it look like fun!

  2. Hey, your blog was mentioned in Reader's Digest. That's how I found you. Now I'm telling others about your blog because the world needs more people with a sense of humor. Write on!

  3. Only children and animals can make water look like that much fun. Thanks.

  4. It's always important to keep your otter clean! (grin)

  5. I fondly remember watching sea otters play off the beach where I loved on the Puget Sound (in a place where the biology maps show they shouldn't be). They like to come up from a dive with a rock in one paw and a clam in the other. They put the rock on their belly and smash the clam against it until it opens. Great fun to watch.

  6. Anonymous8:50 PM

    The bathing otter was otterly funny! Ditto for several of the videos the otter video led to. Thanks!

    I'm a retired lab tech (30 yrs.). The way the cutbacks in Medicare have affected hospitals is really frightening- esp. with all the personnel cut backs. All I can say is don't get sick!


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