Sunday, August 07, 2011

I was watching Notamus eat my guacamole last night

...before taking it away from him in a hurry, because aren't avocados really bad for cats? Johnny?

Then I looked over my shoulder to see Max carefully licking his right paw and washing behind his ear with it. He then did the same thing with his left paw.

Something is broken in the space-time continuum.


  1. Not sure about avocado being bad for them, but if you had onion or garlic in it, that's not good for them at all.

    As for the something broken, nah, i think they are just messing with their human.

  2. Yep ~ 'cados are a no-no for pets...

    Go max!

  3. Cr0w$C@ll11:06 AM

    Had a cat that would bark when very angry


  4. I guess it's good that I didn't read what the confused Minion read, because on the third read-through I finally realized Max was not actually dipping his paw in the guacamole and using it as an organic health and beauty product. Silly me, dogs don't read Family Circle! The disturbance has clearly made it's way to California.

  5. thursdaynextgal7:23 PM

    It's okay - I have two cats who play fetch with me, so it all evens out...

  6. Anonymous1:14 AM

    ahh that onion and garlic comment would explain why lilies are poisonous to cats too presumably part of the allium family?

    love the visual of Max grooming himself!

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I wish someone hadda told me that onions, garlic and lilies were bad for animals. I grow all three. And foxglove and poinsettas and lily of the valley and several others. I have never seen a cat or a dog nosh on any of these at any time, despite growing them for over 30 years.


  8. Avocados are horrible for all animals, yes. They kill birds very fast and bigger animals will suffer from a varying degree of GI pathology. Everything is toxic, btw, not just the fruit, there's persin in the leaves, bark, etc. Also, onions, garlic, macadamia nuts (eh, avoid all nuts to be safe), wild salmon, grapes/raisins, chocolate, coffee, fruit pits, yeast dough, and watch what plants and flowers you have, a lot of them are toxic as well - lilies are super dangerous, yes. And I know I am forgetting a few!

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The avocado is apparently fine for cats, though it causers vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, and especially birds and rodents. That's straight off the ASPCA page. But the garlic and onion is a risk.

    the word verification was braingla, which made me think of brain glia


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