Monday, June 27, 2011


After most of a week without 'Net (due to a horrible thunderstorm that produced lightning that hit and split in half a tree in my neighbor's back yard, sending one half of the tree into *my* back yard, but more on that later if at all, because it really sucked and I don't want to go into it) and most of a week with really heavy patients, including one sweet, charming gentleman who insisted on leaping from his bed like a gazelle though he had no use of his right side, and most of a week during which I've been grousing about not being able to take NSAIDs (see charming gentleman, above) for my back, I'm back.

My massage therapist is very unhappy with me. She will continue to be unhappy with me tomorrow, when we meet for another session of elbows-on-back, yank-the-leg-into-weird-positions massaging and stretching. I did yoga this week, and refrained from lifting heavy things over and over, and I was still flat on my back on the floor for most of the day today thanks to that sweet guy in the surgical CCU. He was very apologetic about making me grab him around the waist and swing him into a chair at the very last second.

Uh....updates. Yes. IbidKitty is coming around nightly to eat her chow, though I rarely see her now, as it's getting dark later and later. Max is lovely, thanks to my brother-in-law's suggestion that what I thought was a seizure was maybe old-dog farting-with-bonuses, and perhaps lentils would help. The Boys are dangerous and deadly, and would like all of you to be very, very afraid. And then give them belly-rubs and head skritches. Attila is in California at a yoga class and will be gone until after I have surgery.

I still have not been able to watch any of the Dr. Who episodes involving the Weeping Angels after the first one ("Blink"), which means I'm missing a lot of River Song history, which is frustrating. But the Angels are scary.

The Powers that Be have implemented three new daily audits that must be done on every patient every day, adding to the two that we already did ibid opcit, and making our lives that much harder.

The house is still standing despite the baseball-sized hail that fried my Interwebs connection and dented the siding (all but one dent popped out the next day). Surprisingly, I didn't have any roof damage. I think that was primarily due to the fact that the fucking hail was coming down at a 35-degree angle thanks to the 70-mph straight-line winds. After the power went out, Max went to the Disaster Closet, opened the door, and went straight in. He knows what's right.

I have a new bottle of metallic robin's-egg blue nail polish. It's posh, rathah.

And that is all.


  1. Yikes, your poor back! Hope you feel better soon...

    Love the idea of the robin's egg blue nail polish. I have pale pink w/glitter and purple w/glitter...

  2. Cr0w$C@lling8:39 PM

    I have some Himalaya salt massage stones you are welcome to borrow. They heat up in the microwave ( a little too much at times) but they feel great on tight spots.

  3. I wasn't a huge fan of the Weeping Angels episodes you haven't seen. I love River Song, just wasn't terribly impressed with the stories. (Of course, I also wasn't impressed with most of last season or Matt Smith in general, but I digress.) 'Blink', though...that's just beautiful and terrifying and heartbreaking, all in one neat little package with a David Tennant (mmmmm) bow on top.

  4. I also love the idea of the robin's egg blue nail polish

  5. Glad you survived the storms! Take good care of that back ~

    the Voice of Experience!

  6. I think you can skip the Weeping Angels without really missing anything important. I don't remember any particularly brilliant River moments in them. (Though I could be wrong. They freak me out, too. I was probably only half watching while doing the dishes or something else to distract me.)

    Glad to know that everything and everyone are (basically) ok following the storm. Poor creatures! My dogs freak out if they hear a thunderstorm miles away, which isn't often here in Seattle (land of eternally mild weather).

  7. So that's settled then, when we see you we will just have to do a marathon of all the scary Moff-written episodes of the Doctor (or all the fun ones with River).


  8. Your Max has more sense than some teens i know.

    Hope your back is better quickly.

  9. 'Glad that you had NO roof damage; and only one residual dent in your siding, after that terrible (baseball-sized) hailstorm!! In this area (Pennsylvania), we've had SO many NOAA Severe Weather or Flash Flood Warnings this year already............ *cuh-razy* weather, for sure!!

  10. I completely understand what you mean about those Weeping Angels. I don't think I slept properly for days after those episodes.

    Ack, sorry to hear about your back. Does not sounds fun.

    I just had a hailstorm here that lasted for a good twenty minutes and left the place looking as though it had been snowing. No damage either, thankfully.


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