Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two cats for sale, cheap.

I woke up this morning at one o'clock to the sound of the cats going insane. Why were they going insane? Because it was windy overnight, and wind is apparently one of those things that your average kitty-brain Simply Cannot Handle.


Make that SIMPLY CANNOT HANDLE. As in, we must ricochet all over the place and scream and hiss at one another and bug the dog and generally make life hell, and when we're done with that, we'll launch ourselves onto unprotected parts of your body with claws out.

So I laid there for a few hours, unable to get back to sleep (wall wall wall wall ceiling ceiling ceiling other wall wall wall) and finally got up about four, ate some soup, and texted Attila to ask please can we reschedule today's workout for tomorrow?

Then I showered and went to the grocery store and generally did all the things that normal humans do, except not usually at six ack emma, and played around online for a while and tried to make head or tailio of this thing that the PTBs at work want me to do, and generally ignored that I felt like crap.

Then I took a nap. And woke up, still feeling like crap.

What do you do when you feel like crap? Why, you take apart your secretary and then clean house like a maniac. That's what you do. Later, perhaps after I eat something more, I'll wash down the secretary with TSP and degloss it and generally get it ready to paint. This is a wild hare that I got last week, but now I've got all the fiddly little bits and bobs and hinges and escutcheons off, and I kind of have to follow through.

Otherwise I will have nowhere to store my tax paperwork. Or the cats. I'm going to put the cats in the drawers of the secretary, then PAINT THEM SHUT.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Oh I know about the cats. We only have one in residence and the other night it was so windy and she went crazy. BTW 1/4 teaspoon of trisodium phosphate added to each load in your dishwasher will get the dishes clean again. I didn't know you could wash down wooden furniture with it. I have a Hoover cupboard that needs something. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Sorry - no PJ`s ?

  3. Now that I'm back working nights I feel your pain. Sleeping during the day is tough enough but the other day my cats woke me up every hr btw their playing, fighting, and attacking me

  4. Four o'clock? That's when i get up to bottle feed the kittens. With or without the help of the adult insane ones.

    Yes, sometimes i want to paint them into a rubber room, too. Or maybe paint myself in there.

  5. put them in a pie. delishhh!

  6. Sometimes I want to take apart my secretary. Then she brings in donuts.

  7. Strange but my cat ignores the weather entirely--even thunderstorms. What excites her are the birds in the bush outside the window. She gets right behind my head on the coach and whines and lashes her incredibly long tail around giving me a face full of fur and cat butt. Then paces around, leaps up and does it again. Sigh! Don't try to drink your tea when the birds are out.

  8. Our cats couldn't even muster an extra yawn or a paw stretch over thunder, wind or other weather-related mayhem. One of them would freak out like that over what must have been a particle of dust the sunlight hit just so . .whatever he was seeing nobody else could seeeeeeeee...funny guy would sometimes appear not to recognize one of us from time to time even if he was getting pets 2 hours before lol ... we call it the "HOLY CRAP! Who the hell are you???" ricocheting cat reflex.:)


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