Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I need help remembering the title of a book.

It's a children's book, illustrated with gorgeous pastels. It's about a paleontologist who works in a museum, and suddenly the dinosaurs in the museum displays come to life, or some dinosaurs show up, or something (I can't recall, exactly). The paleontologist adopts them and takes care of them.

The two things I remember clearly are these: First, that the paleontologist is a short little woman with grey hair and round glasses (you never see her eyes). Second, at the end of the story, she's sitting in a rocking chair, reading a bedtime story to the dinosaurs ranged around her. The stegosaur has a blanket over his back, through which you can see his spine plates, and the tyrannosaur is sitting in the corner, I think with a teddy bear in his little-bitty arms.

Does this thread any beads in anybody's mind?


  1. Was it perhaps about this woman Mary Anning (in England?):

  2. RehabRN: No, that's not it. This is a children's picture book, and is definitely fiction, and set at a museum in a big city.

    Drat. This is gonna drive me crazy.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    You might try this website. See http://logan.com/harriett/stump.html
    --Queen Anne's Lace

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Call up a children's librarian, one with some miles on the odometer. You'll get an answer right off the bat, or else research will be done until the answer is found.

  5. We're Back: Dinosaur's Story by Hudson Talbott?

  6. This is a question for Sars and the Vine. http://tomatonation.com/category/vine/

    Good luck!

  7. KR got it! Dingdingdingdingding!

    I have ordered a used copy of the original (I didn't realize there was a movie version, too!) from Amazon. Thanks, KR!

  8. Its funny when I read your description I totally knew what book you were talking about. I have three boys and have read it to each one and they all love that book. I called my youngest to ask him if he remembered the name, and he said no but he looked on his bookshelf. :)

  9. I had no doubt that someone would have the answer in less than ten replies.

    I am possibly not worthy to hang out with you people.

  10. We're Back! It was my favorite book as a kid, and my dad loved it too. I havea copy around here somewhere...the pictures still tickle me. So cute.


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