Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kiwis, check in, please.

I know I have NZ readers, and that at least one of you is in or near Christchurch, but I can't remember who's who at the moment (it's early here). Check in, please, once you get Net.



  1. Checking in! All present and correct in my household, I live in the North Island and Christchurch is in the South Island. It's all very shocking, I can't quite take it in. I feeling a bit numb.

  2. Hi Jo. I and mine at least are OK. we 18km nth of town in Kaiapoi Many others are not. I worked tueday PM but we were really mostly in preparaion mode till about 2100 when our first EQ related patients arrived on the ward. If you can bear the sadness have a look at www.stuff.co.nz for local news. I still can't believe it. I think we felt invincible after we survived (in terms of minimal numbers of injury and no fatalities)Sept 4. This has firmly taught me no we are not.
    thanks for thinking of us.

  3. Here! One of them anyway. Alive. Devastation. Blogging as I can, so read it there

  4. Anonymous2:49 AM

    this kiwi reader is safe. i've only posted here anonymously and sporadically over the last few years, i'm not even sure if you would have known to classify me as a "reader," but just in case: i'm still here.

    don't fret too much over your chch reader quite yet- much of the region remains without power and telecommunications are iffy. when essential services resume it may take your reader a while to get back to everyday life and back to the blog world... don't give up hope, it is very early yet.

  5. As a nurse, and not even a particularly ambition one at that, I am not dissatisfied with my surely adequate but not luxuriously wealthy status in life. If, however, I were rich enough to do all that I please, I would often jet off to places such as NZ where perhaps my humble services could be of use to those in need.

    Because I cannot, today I will make a contribution to the Red Cross.

    I give what I can of my time, my money, and my skills. I only wish sometimes that I were capable if giving more. It's such a gas, a joy, a *reason.*

  6. All good here, our facility is on code red like the rest of the country but it's in Auckland so we're mostly taking transport patients and sending staff down where required. Scary stuff though.

  7. I'm fine in Wellington - thinking of everyone in Christchurch and in the surrounding area :-(

  8. these articulate women share their experiences


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