Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Well, no wonder I feel like shit and I'm crying all the damn time.

Post Weight-Watchers weight, achieved after five months of careful Points counting and attention to nutrition: 171.5 lbs. (20 lbs down from original weight)

Pre-surgery weight, after I'd gone off WW and eaten ALL THE THINGS in preparation for I-didn't-know-what at the time: 190.0 lbs.

Weight on day of surgery, October 20th, at 5 am after having been NPO all night: 189.4 lbs.

Weight today, November 9th, at 1730 pm, after two meals and a slice of cake friend Adam brought:

170 lbs.

I still have 20 to 30 more pounds to go before I'm even in spitting distance of my "ideal body weight", but I think it might be time to, you know, try to arrest this free-fall and turn it more into a slide.


  1. Polly3:59 PM

    Whoa! Makes you happy you ate up beforehand, no? Maybe you should look to WW more to set a minimum that you need to eat each day. It's kind of annoying that people don't feel like eating after surgery and what have you, but that's really the time you need the nutrition to support healing.

  2. Cr0w$C@lling1:42 AM


    -lion om

  3. Good nutrition makes healing from surgery faster? Knock me over with a feather. Snort.

  4. Isn't that just true to form. Nature makes you gain when you don't want, and lose when you don't need to. No wonder we can't win.


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