Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ten seconds of heartfelt profanity.

Diana writes Badinage, a nifty blog about all things new-nurse and not-nursey.

I stopped over there this morning to check out her latest stuff, and found this: she'd written a bit about how I'm blogging this whole CAN-SUHHH thing, and had been inspired to check her own mouth.

And she found a lump. Under her tongue. And she's getting a CT. Or maybe has already had one; it's been a few days since she saw her doc.

Whereupon I had five seconds of really heartfelt cussing, then thought about it, and had five more.

Send vibes out to Diana, if you will.


  1. Look on the bright side -- you may have just saved her life. That is a wonderful thing.

  2. Makes me think of this quote...
    "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire. " Jewish proverb

    One world, one life at a time...

  3. Not the same cancer, but the same neck of the woods, as Tony Gwynn, retired MLB player has a salivary gland cancer.

    The spotlight is definitely on head/neck/oral cancers this year!

  4. Medic999 has just had a post about the benfits of social networking and blogging. His example was of a British lady having cancer treatment in the USA who wanted to come home (who wouldn't) but her doc told her she'd have to wait so long for treatment there she'd die. Someone asked Mark because they knew of his blog, he went and checked up the correct procedure and the lady is now in a position to come home at a suitable break in her treatment to continue with her local GP and hospital (strangely enough, local to Mark).

    So - blogging your experiences may save your life, save someone else's life or contribute to improved quality of life for someone! And in your case Jo - bring a touch of light relief to a dodgy subject. Thank you for it all.

    wv - epotio - is that the benficial effect of a blog?

  5. Vibes going out...

  6. thursdaynextgal10:57 AM

    Well, after reading about your lump I got a lump in my mouth checked out and it turns out it's a rogue wisdom tooth trying to infiltrate my sinuses. I get to have it extracted along with my other (all impacted) teeth and while I'm sure I'll thank you someday right now it's more muttering under my breath and dark looks in your direction. ;)

  7. Oy. Dudes. Stop the insanity!

    I'ma gonna go back to ignoring the suspicious spot on my right nipple for a few more weeks. After my doc fondles it tomorrow and says ok come back in a few weeks.

    Hugs and Fairy GodBetty Vibes, which are glittery and sparkly and all things smelling of cookies and chocolate.

  8. Celeste4:44 PM

    Y'all are scaring me into getting some moles looked at by a whitecoat.

  9. Pink sparkly ponies and best wishes to you all.

  10. She will also be in my prayers.

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'll be having the CT done Tuesday morning, and I appreciate all the good thoughts and, even more, any heartfelt profanity.

    I'm one of those annoying, silent lurkers, so I'm familiar with you regular commenters.

    Thanks a million.

  12. Adding her to my list of good thoughts going out....

  13. Molly9:20 AM

    Fingers crossed that it's just some annoying random bump that's gone unnoticed. I had a hard spiky bump on one of my upper gums that felt like the bone was trying to come on through, but somewhere along the way it went away. Still not sure what was going on there, but fingers crossed it's something like that.

    keep us updated


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