Monday, October 04, 2010

I have a question for you minions.

Since I came out with the news that I HAVE CANCER (echo chamber effect), I've gotten a hopload more followers and readers.

It strikes me that little to no good is coming out of that except some ego-stroking, which I certainly don't need.

It also has come to my attention that I've gotten a number of emails (more than ten) which have encouraged me to set up a tip jar for treatment expenses and so on.

Now: here's the deal:

As of right now, I don't need any extra cash. I'm getting by fine. I have people who owe me favors, and family who's willing to give me moolah if I need it. There are, however, people who are not as lucky as me.

Given that I have a cancer that is listed on the National Database of Orphan Diseases, it interests me that I might be able to make a difference for somebody with an orphan disease.

However, putting up a tip jar seems kinda... ... ...tacky.

What do you guys think? You're the ones who'd be donating money, either on an ongoing basis, or just once. You're the ones who'd have to dig into a pocket. Would you be willing to help support a really freaking obscure cause?

More importantly, would you be willing to trust me to pick a disease rare enough, and weird enough, to justify the efforts of HN readers?

Let me know what you think in the comments. I'm truly interested, though this may not get underway for a bit.




  1. Well, I definitely trust in your ability to pick a freak of a disease.

  2. I would contribute to and trust you to choose a deserving cause.

  3. I think it's a fabulous idea. Tip jar away, baybee.

  4. I'd give. Not that it would be much, but I'd give.

    And I wouldn't think it tacky at all ~

  5. Though I already have my pet causes, so to speak, that I donate to regularly and they're pretty mainstream, I love seeing obscure causes get some publicity. I mean, sure, the math of curing a disease that kills hundreds of thousands per year as opposed to dozens makes sense, but it always makes me feel really bad for the people who end up with one of the "yeah, we can't be bothered to cure it" diseases.

    And I know I for one wouldn't question whether or not the particular disease was worthy or rare enough.

  6. Do whatever you like jo, it's your blog.

    I'm sure any orphan organization you pick will be happy to have donations and some publicity. If not, find a new one.

    I was thinking about this the other day, because a former boss was a multimillionaire, who died of an orphan disease. His obit asked for donations for the foundation for research.

    Makes me ask lots of questions in my head, but as a rehab nurse, we know what happens when orphaned/unsexy conditions get the spotlight in terms of funding.

    Two words shook spinal cord injury research as one of our docs likes to point out: Christopher Reeve.

    No, I'm not wishing ill to anyone, but since Michael Douglas has another weird head/neck cancer, you just may be on to something here.

    Just my $0.02...

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Homemaker Man for the win!

  8. YrSis8:20 AM

    People are asking about donating to you because you're on their screens gesticulating and being warm or snarky or funny, and they are responding. They're having a conversation with you. Don't cut them off from a way of responding.

    I totally get that you are not okay with putting up a tip jar because you are financially okay right now. But why should you let your bankbook dictate how people respond to you?

    Let people donate to *you.* If you feel guilty about it:

    1) Keep track of the donations.

    2) Get better.

    3) Pay every single deductible and out-of-pocket and copay.

    4) Pay back all the sick time at work that you'll have to borrow.

    5) Determine that your checkbook has a positive number in it.

    6) Remember those donations you kept track of? Donate that amount to the weird disease.

    And make sure everyone knows that you'll be doing this, so they understand where their money will *eventually* end up.

  9. Well. I get so many requests via Facebook that I've come to feel that my $25 checks don't really amount to much to Big Corporations. I did get a great feeling last winter giving to Modest Needs; I feel like it totally made a difference to a family to keep the heat on for a long winter.

    I feel badly for the orphan diseases...but deep down I'd really feel better helping an individual directly. So if it can't be you because you're all set in every way...I think I'll just stick to money to Modest Needs and work up to giving some time to Meals on Wheels.

    JMHO, but I certainly would not fault you for the tip jar. Raising funds for such a cause is definitely a way that we find meaning in these things that change our lives. I've done it in my own ways for things I've gone through, and I really do believe it helps us to integrate the event into the big picture of our lives.

    Hugs to you on this fall day, Jo.

  10. I have never thought of Good Wishes as "ego stroking". I just think of it as humans trying to do a good thing. Complimenting/encouraging etc does just as much good for the person on the giving end, as the receiving end... :) so just let it happen. Nothing wrong with that.
    I think a donation button is a good thing. Better than the general banner advertising ads I see...

  11. The fact that I'm running on about 2 hrs of sleep in as many days probably contributes to the reason I find it so hilarious that RehabNurse put her "$0.02" worth in a comment on a post about donating to a tip jar...

    ok. i'm done now.

  12. Would you be putting up a tip jar if you didn't have The Big C, and a weird version at that?

    Put another way - what is special about now? You've been running this blog for a while, no tip jar, no "Orphan Disease" cause.

    This is your place, and you can do whatever floats your boat, but I'd take a hard look at why now is special, and how much of this is a reaction to your problem, and consider putting any money you get toward folks in your town who need a meal, or heat, or clothing.

  13. One of the hardest and most humbling things I've ever had to do in my life is learn to accept help from others.

    That said, if you really don't need it and want to collect for others, why not just do it? There should be nothing embarrassing about wanting to help others, anymore than there is about accepting the help.

  14. You are a fabulous nurse. I would trust you to care for me or my family in the hospital. I would trust you with this.

  15. 101Md:

    That's cause Daddy told me opinions are like a&8holes...everyone's got one.

    Since I look at them all too frequently, I figured my opinion is worth at least $0.02.

    BTW I like giving a tad more than that to charities. I have to say to Celeste that yes, that $25 does make a difference. Just gotta put it in the right place...which is wherever you think it is.

  16. Well, Jo - I would trust you with my mother's life so you picking some ole orphan disease to donate to is OK with me! I think it is a very good idea!

  17. I think that could be a good use of your new found fame. :) It's fantastic of you to think of others at a time like this. I can see how it could be therapeutic for you. As an aunt to a baby girl who is fighting one of these rare diseases, I can definitely get behind and appreciate an idea like this, regardless of what you choose. Best wishes!

  18. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Oh put up the tip jar and use the contributions for whatever you want. You aren't twisting anyone's arm. Donate to the orphan disease or better yet, go get that red leather jacket you've been yearning for, about four sizes smaller, so you will feel incredibley sexy and smart when you lost the forty pounds.

    You are just incredible, and I run to read your blog every day. It reminds me of "As the Tumor Turns."

    Keep it up sweetheart. Not to make a pun, but I am sure you will lick this thing!

    Another hard assed old nurse, Ann

  19. To RehabNurse:

    I just meant that $25 is my limit for just throwing it out there for the cause du jour. I would give more to an individual in dire straits, but to these different corporate entities, I draw the line. Then I wonder how much this amount even matters, and should I quit the scattering and try to hold it all for one big blaze of glory at some point in the year.

    Maybe you're right, there is no wrong way to give.

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    TheSchaft: "Put another way - what is special about now? You've been running this blog for a while, no tip jar, no "Orphan Disease" cause."

    What's special about now is, multiple people have asked her "Hey, why don't you have a tip jar?" She said this in the post.

  21. another two cents:

    i have a little bit of money set aside every month that i donate to whatever cause jumped out as me as important that month. and i would be happy to outsource that decision making to you every once in a while.

    so i say put up a tip jar if it makes you feel like something good can come out of the bad, and then people who feel like donating can donate and nobody else has to.

    i think if people will feel too much pressure to donate just because the button's there, they probably also aren't ready for the pressure of investing themselves in this excellent but sometimes emotionally-wrenching blog in the first place.


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