Friday, July 23, 2010

Max went to the vet today.

While he was there he caused such a stir (being a beautiful, well-behaved boy) that one of the office staff said that he should come with his own caption, to wit:

"Heeellllloooo, Ladies. Look at your dog. Now back at me. Now back at your dog. Now back at me."

He's on a horse!

Well, not really. I don't know what Max would do if confronted by a horse. He'd either decide it was a really, really big dog that he could play with (being apparently half pony himself), or ignore it.

He went to the vet because he had a weird blood-blister looking thingie on the right side of his neck, covered by his collar. It started scabbing over the other day, so I figured maybe it was time to get it looked at, as things like that are hardly ever good.

The vet was solemn. (She also, interestingly, had bilateral cochlear implants.) She trimmed the hair away from it and recommended a harness (so it wouldn't get rubbed) and warm compresses (just in case it's an abscess, the best-case scenario), but admitted that things like this are normally not pleasant. The next step would be a chest and belly X-ray, given that stuff that shows up on the skin looking like this particular thingie does are usually skin mets from an inside source.

Max is nine. He's a big guy, a GSD cross, and so is prone both genetically and age-wise to things like hemangiosarcoma.

He has a new harness, the biggest one Petsmart sells, let out to its absolute maximum for his forty-two-inch chest. He also has a bully stick waiting for him once he gets up from his nap.

The harness has his new rabies tag on it. I went ahead and bought a six-month supply of heartworm meds for him. I hope we'll get to use them.

Prayers would be gratefully accepted. He's a very good boy.


  1. All my best wishes for Max...i have a Boxer, and that breed is prone to cancer. I can't imagine if i start to see any symptoms. :( Best of luck to you both.

  2. Prayers for Max, and for you. I've been following your blog for a couple of years now (while doing prereqs), and finally started nursing school five weeks ago. So I'm one of those people who feels like I know you (and Max) a little but whom you don't know at all. Hang in there. We'll be waiting for news too.

  3. Saying prayers for your sweet doggy friend. It is so hard.

  4. Did you get the chest x-ray? (I would probably want to know, with my dog.)

  5. Delurking to wish your doggie the best. We have a 7 year old English Mastiff (speaking of ginormous dogs!) and there is a, well, problem area on the distal end of her tail. The vet also had a solemn look - my thought? Chop it off!! It's just her freaking tail - I don't even think she'd notice half of it missing.

  6. I am sending my best thoughts Max's way.

  7. I hope everything with Max turns out okay. Pets are such wonderful companions and Max sounds like a lovely boy.

  8. erica rose12:14 PM

    Oh Jo, I'm sending you good thoughts/vibes. Even if it turns out to me nothing, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this stress. Good luck!

  9. Aww, Jo, I'm sorry. But also hoping for the best. Max is a very good boy, and he's also got tickets to that show you've been wanting to see.

  10. Poor Max!!! Sending vibes for benign stuff ~

    I won't EVEN tell you not to worry!!!

    give him a cuddle from me, please ~

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I am so very sorry to hear this. Max is such a good boy, he will be in my prayers and meditation.

  12. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Oh Jo, I am so sad to read this news.You've got my prayers for you both from Atlanta!


  13. Sorry about Max. You're both in my thoughts today.

  14. Thanks, all. I haven't yet gotten him a chest x-ray; that'll be after this....thing heals and we can see better what it might be.

    Chris, I'll keep your slobbery monster in my thoughts, as well. Maybe with part of her tail gone, she won't destroy as much stuff when she's wagging?

    And Heidi, thank you. Your mention of tickets made me smile, and made the Zoaters sit up and say, "But now they're DIAMONDS."

  15. Good thoughts for Max.

  16. Good and healing thoughts to your pup. He's lucky to have such a person as you in his life.

  17. Awww poor Max! You'll booth be in my thoughts while you wait to find out what is going on.
    My Toby (a beagle) went to the vet today but it was just a check up. He's got a pretty wicked heart murmur that they have to monitor. He goes next month for a teeth cleaning, xrays and ekg to check up on his heart. He's not too far behind Max in age and will eventually end up on heart meds. Not sure what I would do with out the little guy under foot all the time. ((hugs))

  18. Wishing good things for you and Max. He's such a lovely dog (from the pictures you put up), and sounds like a great pack member.

  19. Oh my. :( My cat was dx with mammary cancer 2 months ago and wasn't expected to live very long. I didnt bother with any chemo, that just makes the rest of their lives i do her dressing (her tumor burst open) so she doesn't bleed all over and wrap around her body with an ace wrap over it....and she seems to be happy, with no pain....good appetite and full of vigour. That's all I can ask. So...Good luck with your pooch and I wish him positive thoughts...for sure.

  20. Your precious Max will be in my prayers.

    Hugs to both of you.

  21. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Isn't it amazing how things like this always show up when life is already crazy beyond belief? Thinking good thoughts your direction and Max's. I'm voting for an abscess - maybe if we make it a unanimous vote it'll be true.

    Well, here's hoping.

    And thank you for writing, and keep it up.

  22. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Ugh, Jo, that's an icky situation. I hope things work out and Max is healthy and happy far beyond the heartworm supply. You're both in my thoughts and prayers.


  23. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I sincerely hope that Max is ok, 9 is not that old GSD or not. I have two big dogs (had st bernard crosses before but they left me for the Happy Squirrel Hunting Grounds many years ago) who are 7 and 8 now and going grey and getting a bit creeky and oh my, I do not look forward to losing them. Pass Max a treat for me.


  24. Thanks for the amazing writing. I've been reading you all day and couldn't help but post on this one.

    As a veterinarian (and a fellow blogger) I know how much it helps to say that, no matter what, it'll be OK. For all you know it's a kooky-looking hematoma, right? Chin up. And keep us posted.

    Dr. Patty Khuly


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