Saturday, April 10, 2010

Middle of the night note:

I just returned from the local grocery hut, the one that has a sign on an aisle directing the shopper to "asceptic juices" and "bubbling, pure, and still waters".

They have a large Caribbean food section.

In that section was a mix for Cock flavored soup. (Dude. Chicken.)

You have *no* idea how hard it was for me to put that packet down and pass it by. It would've been a perfect gift for almost everyone I know.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    My college roommate bought it. It was awesome! I love 3 am grocery forays!

  2. Put it in my brother's christmas stocking last year.

  3. Put it in my brother's present too! They sell it in Tesco (major supermarket chain) here.


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