Monday, March 08, 2010

Won't somebody please throw a garden party?

Fluevog OMG.


  1. Dear Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf,

    There are cute outfits for the wearing. Pleeeease can we bring this back?

    Amy and Jo

  2. Catalogues are good for the soul. Have you checked out the Anthropologie Catalogue? or Boden? Also NPR is continously streaming 6 hrs. worth of music by bands that will be at SXSW.Some really good stuff for musicophiles.

  3. Looks good!!! I just became a follower of you blog. If your interested please have a look at my blog and if you like it, you can follow it. Hope you have a great week.

    Greetings from Jessica in the Netherlands

  4. I love pretty cardigans with flowers and embroidery and edging, and every time I put one on I look like a grandma.

  5. Pretty shoes! I bet they are uncomfortable though. All the pretty ones are.

  6. Heidi6:45 AM

    Love. (esp. the shoes)

  7. I luvs me my fluevogs...all of them...they are addictive.
    And the most comfy funky shoes on the planet.

  8. Fluevogs?

    Not my feet and not my money (and not aimed at my gender, I suppose) but I find every example of those to be *incredibly* ugly.

    Probably bearable in one single color.

    But, hey, if you like'em ...

  9. Please, I beg you, stop posting these damn Fluevogs. I am NOT a shoe person. I own maybe 5 pairs of shoes and 3 of them are flip flops. But, every time you post a picture of Fluevogs I start drooling. The last pair you posted is still asved in my favorites and I've gone so far as to track down a store, within driving distance, where I can go and drool on them in person. I have kids, and dogs, and no job (well, not one that results in a paycheck). I have no need for $250 pin-up/rockabilly awesomeness (the first pair you posted a while back). But, dammit, I want them. They'll look great while walking to the bus stop to pick up the kids or while fighting with the dog, first thing in the morning, to go do his thing so I can get back inside to the kids who act like they haven't bed fed in 17 days and will expire immediately if a bowl of cereal isn't produced within the next 12 seconds.

    But I still want those shoes.

    In case you don't remember, it was these

  10. Fluevogs are soooo comfy! My feet hate me when I wear any heels. But they make an exception for Fluevogs. Perhaps because they're always so much fun that even my feet want to wear them!

  11. I've been trying to be more put together and some blogs have really helped with some of the new trends. I like youlookfab (dot com), the articles and the forums are cool. lowfatdressing.blogspot is useful for biz casual ideas (it's hard sometimes for me due to the pajamas at work and the working out wear outside of work) because I'm shaped very similarly to it's author. I love fluevogs, I have a pair off craigslist, but they are just a tad too big, thought I could cope but no.

  12. It would appear that I am going to be the only one who points out that I MUST have that dress....*sigh*

    I know, a RAT in a dress looks funny, but just imagine if I wanted the Fluevogs!?! I would have to buy TWO pair for my FOUR little Ratty feet.....But then again, I do need something to wear with the fabulous dress (not in blue though).


  13. Love love love Fluevog shoes! I have my next pair on layaway. Goodness, I love Fluevog layaway! Comfy, cute, but wicked expensive.


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