Friday, February 26, 2010

Things that make me happy, Friday morning just-before-bed edition:

Artichokes on sale, ten for ten bucks, at the local grocery store.

Walking into that grocery store at 5:30 ack emma and hearing Bare Naked Ladies, with commentary from somebody on the overhead speaker: BNL: "If I had a million dollars/I would buy you..." Bored employee: "Three thousand pounds of special house blend coffee!"

Buying new jeans two sizes smaller than my current jeans. During that aforementioned shopping trip, I damn near had to sing "Pants On The Ground".

Seeing my friend Lovely last night, who has the talent of not only calming me down, but putting things in proper perspective.

Snuggles with Max. "I know you're unhappy, so I'm going to run around the house chasing kitties, then fall over so you can RUB MAH BELLEH!"

Fresh mozarella combined with peppers, tomatoes, and cucumber and marinated in good Italian dressing.

Good tortillas. I managed to snag the last package of homemade flour tortillas from the local tortillaria this morning. It pays to get up early!

Finding a pair of earrings I thought I had lost.

Charming text messages in the middle of the night.

A non-sore knee.

Knowing that my folks got home okay, despite flooding in the part of Mexico where they spend their winters.

Knowing that my Beloved Sister is getting over her bout of pneumonia. That was scary times.

Driving over Lake Giganto on the way to Sunnydale the other day, with snow (SNOW!) on the ground. Grey sky, steel-grey lake, white snow, everything stripped of color, and a great blue heron and two coromorants flying past on the horizon.

Two brown thrashers and an adolescent raccoon in my back yard. Max on raccoons: "Um...I don't know what it is. It isn't a kitty. I can't play with it. Um....I think I'll just, you know, sit here and watch. Um." Brown thrashers on thrashing: "LEAVES! LEAVES! LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!"

A bed with clean sheets and a hot water bottle, freshly filled, just waiting for me. If anybody ever develops a body-pillow/hot water bottle, I'm first in line.


  1. Good post for a Friday...enjoyed your thankful list immensely. Well done.

  2. OMG, artichokes! mmmmmmm!

  3. Sounds like you need a corn pillow. You just make a pillow about 8" x 12" and fill it with whole feed corn, then stitch it closed. Make a pillow case for it, but make sure there is nothing metal on it (no hooks or snaps). Put in the microwave for 6-9 minutes on high. Tons better than a hot water bottle, because it stays warm all night (day) long. :-)


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