Sunday, April 12, 2009

Five by Five

It's been a while since I've done a meme, so here's one:

1. Five posts from the blog which I particularly like:

2. Five things of which I am proud:

a. That I work out three to four times a week and thus can lift heavy things
b. That I started the prerequisites for nursing school at 30, despite feeling quite old
c. That of all my colleagues at the hospital, I only really have problems personally with one
d. That my dog likes me
e. That I can get pretty much anything to grow--outside.

3. Five things I'm a bit ashamed of:

a. My temper
b. My foul mouth
c. That I'm a beer snob
d. That I have a terrible weakness for beauty products
e. That every present I wrap looks like a mentally-deficient orangutan went at it with a chop saw.

4. Five things you'll never find in my house:

a. Miracle Whip
b. Far-right periodicals
c. Coors Light
d. A non-dusty surface
e. Anything you can't touch, use, or sit on.

5. Five things you'll always find in my house:

a. Coffee
b. Toilet paper (I have a morbid fear of running out)
c. Brain drugs (ibid)
d. Lots of books
e. Dog and cat hair

What're yours?


  1. In ancient times of castles and kings, people had many indoor pets but no vacuum cleaners. The pets would shed hair and this detritus would gather over the years, accumulating on the stone floors of the castle. After being stomped flat under the trod of many castle inhabitants and visitors, the hair eventually turned into waht we now rtefer to as "carpeting."

  2. 1. Five posts from the blog which I particularly like:

    I havent' posted enough on my blog to have favorites yet. This is why I come to read yours - MUCH more interesting/entertaining/educational

    2. Five things of which I am proud:

    a. I have joined a weight loss challenge so I *finally* do something about feeling bad about my shell
    b. That despite my laziness in real life, I finished grad school with a 3.83 GPA, working full time
    c. That I am often more considerate of others than myself
    d. That people come to me for advice because I am emotional but logical and rational
    e. That when I go with my gut, I'm usually right

    3. Five things I'm a bit ashamed of:

    a. See letter 'c' above...
    b. My foul mouth...but I love to swear
    c. That I fart in my cubicle at work
    d. I can be very manipulative to get my way
    e. I still think sexually of my exes because the hubby isn't as experimental as I'd like him to be

    4. Five things you'll never find in my house:

    a. Tofu - well, probably not
    b. Complete cleanliness
    c. Pets - at least long term, I'm allergic
    d. Demonic things
    e. Illegal drugs

    5. Five things you'll always find in my house:

    a. MEAT
    b. Books
    c. Alcohol of some kind
    d. Asian beetles...dammit
    e. Love

  3. shrimplate, I wish you hadn't said that. I am now trying to find ways to convince myself that it's NOT okay to continue ignoring my floors. Damn you.

  4. It seems like you are a pensive person who likes to know why you do what you do. I've been working in Nursing since 1884 and I am so frustrated about the lack of recognition and appreciation. I got mad enough to write a book which finally does recognize nurses. I though you might like to know about it. It's called "Nurses Are From Heaven". Working since 1984 makes me feel so old, yet eligible to share some sage ideas in a book. Let me be the first to wish you a Happy Nurses' Week, 2009! Thank you for all your contributions to our great profession and may God bless you in all you do.

    Christina Feist-Heilmeier

  5. I don't think being a beer snob as a negative thing, unless you are broke or in a bar that has no good beer (which happens more often than I'd like to admit). I always add it to the positive list. You will always find dog and cat hair in my house too. It's also listed as "clothing accessory"


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