Sunday, June 15, 2008

Strider, day two

Scene: The back yard, morning

STRIDER: Dude. What *is* that thing?
MAX, yawning: Lawnmower.
STRIDER: What's it do?
MAX: Shortens the grass so we get better back-skritches.
STRIDER, examining lawnmower from all angles: Is it dangerous?
MAX, rolling on back: Just stay away; you'll be fine.
STRIDER: ....Okay. I guess I can't herd it. *sigh*

Scene: The living room,  afternoon

MAX: Don't go there, man. I'm warning you. I've tried it.
STRIDER: Aw, c'mon. It's cute and fuzzy! What harm could it do?
KITTY-CAT: I'll kill ya! I'll kill ya! I'll taste blood! Murder! DIE! DIE!! DIE DIE DIEDIEDIE!!!
(KITTY-CAT swipes at STRIDER with claws out.)
STRIDER: Holy shit, dude! She's got needle-paws!
MAX: Told you. You can't win with that one. It's crazy.

Scene: The back yard, nightfall

MAX: Doh dee doh doh dum dee dah dum dee dah....
STRIDER: Laa laaaa laaaa *roll roll roll* *scratch scratch* daaa deee hummm hummm...
MAX: Dah doh dee la la doh dum diddly dum....
STRIDER: Laaaa laaaa laaaa li loooo...wait. GO AWAY!!! GO AWAY!!! GO AWAY!!!
MAX, running after: Yeah! What he said! 
STRIDER: What was that?
MAX: was The Hooman. But no worries. She's used to it when she comes home.


  1. OMG, you crack me up! ;-) You make me want to get one, too! Unfortunately I live in a small apartment and can't have a big dog. Maybe I'll try a small dog rescue!

    Keep the dog scenes comin'! I need some entertainment!

  2. love it! I can hear the dog voices in my head.

    Thanks for the entertainment.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The scene with the cat happens at our house every time my mom's dog comes to visit, except without the older, wiser dog to give her advice. I laughed out loud, because it's sooooo true.


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