Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Odds, Ends, Updates

OEU the first:

I saw Dr. Crane today and had my tongue yanked around and both of his hands in my mouth at the same time. The exam was clean, the MRI looked "great" (his words; he's not given to superlatives) and I don't have to see him again until February. I won't have any scans then, either.

I said, "No scans?" He told me that at two years, in his experience, it's safe to begin backing off the surveillance scans and just go with eyes-on exams. It's simultaneously exciting and weird to know that my interior doesn't have to be irradiated for everybody's psychological comfort. I worried before every scan; now I'll worry that I'm not *having* scans.

"Nearly cured" is a strange place to be.

OEU the second:

Now that I've told Mom, it's time to tell you guys: I'm dating somebody. Seriously. As in, Talking Marriage Serious. He's marvelous beyond description, with just enough of the annoying human things that everybody has to keep him normal, and I've known him since we were both teenagers. His name is Brother In Beer (yes, the one who sent the lovely flowers after surgery). He's intelligent and funny and sweet and writes beautifully and routinely throws himself down rocky hillsides while perched on a bike. (Yes, he wears a helmet.)

I'm pretty stoked.

OEU the third:

Work sucks. We're staffed for twelve in the surgical CCU and have eighteen to twenty patients every day--even our code bed is full--which means that the staffing in the neuro CCU has been short. If everybody in the SCCU is tripled, they can't exactly send two people to help us out in the NCCU with our six or seven patients.

Plus, we've been having a rash of codes lately.

OEU the fourth: 

Aside from the staffing thing at work, things are going really well around here. I've not been *here* as much as I'd like; there's a lot of writing I've been doing for money that cuts into my blog time. As soon as I get this month's stack of articles sent off, though, I'll tell you funny stories about the Guy With No Memory At All and touching stories about bunnies.

Basically, this summer can be summed up in one well-known phrase: Two out of three ain't bad.


  1. w00t! w00t! Bummer. w00t!

  2. Fantastic news! Longtime lurker here, was getting a bit worried when you didn't post anything about the MRI results. SO very glad that things are turning around for you and that you sound so happy!

  3. I'm so happy for you! For all the above reasons - well, except for the overworked one. And I hear ya sister on that one. We are getting yelled at cause we are using too many travelers and registry - but they have burned out most of the staff with the heavy loads they are giving us - and so no one is picking up extra like they have in the past.

  4. #1 ~ Congratulations!!! And now you know how the ICU pts. feel about going to a stepdown/tele unit!!

    #2 ~ YAY!! All best wishes ~

    #3 ~ ***sigh*** Think manglement will EVAH learn???

    #4 ~ If it isn't a secret till publication, what kind of things have you been writing? I can't wait to hear about the bunnies ~

  5. Andrea6:50 PM

    Congratulations on Beer Guy and Negative Mouth.

    Hmmm...so the Unit is chronically understaffed and tripled and there's been a rash of codes? Wonder if one has anything to do with another?

    I'm currently in the process of leaving critical care for hospice. Only one week left. Tripling patients will be one thing I sure as hell won't miss.

  6. GO YOU! I was hoping no news was good news. And it would seem, besides being overworked, that life is very good for you. And for that I am very glad and thankful. Looking forward to the bunnies...did you say there was something else you were going to tell us? :)

  7. I'm not sure whether I'm happier, Jo, that your "exam was clean, the MRI looked 'great'," (*YEAH*!!)............ OR............ that you're seriously dating somebody and discussing marriage, (*YEAH* again!!)

    However, being (perpetually) short-staffed and overworked is just the absolute PITS!! ('Been there; done that; and burned-and-flamed myself out).

  8. Good, Jo, you deserve all the happiness that comes your way.

  9. Jo-
    So happy for your happiness. My nursing career has grown along with your blog and I thank you so much for the inspiration and the sense of humor. Glad things are looking up for you in life. Let life slap a little happy in to work now...


  10. Two out of three sound terrific - I hope the work situation improves soon! And I want to hear about the the bunnies too!

  11. 1. Wonderful news!

    2. Hope all goes well!

    3. Manglement sounds as efficient as usual in scheduling and hiring. Scary for you and the patients.

    4. Congratulations on paid writing jobs!

  12. All good, all the important stuff, anyway--so happy for you!

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Looking forward to the bunny stories .... and congrats on the excellent follow-up news - I was sending my most positive thoughts to you!

  14. Yay! Yay! Bummer...YAY!

    Looking forward to reading more by you...may we ask where else you're writing? I'd love to read it!

  15. clairesmum6:35 PM

    glad the news is mostly good...manglement may change, but improvement not likely....but people are more important than work and you are healthy and in love - YEAH!!! now, about those bunnies.....and writing....always glad to see a new post from you, Jo.

  16. Cr0w$c@lling8:20 PM


  17. Happy happy joy joy. I am so happy for you. Sorry the work sucks.

  18. MRI - no radiation, the R is resonance. No different in that sense from U/S.

    And the rest - Congratulations and fingers and toes crossed for a wonderful and happy future. Don't things change in a year?

    Except at work ;-) :-(

  19. Now THAT is some seriously awesome and happy news. congratulations! (and BiB, please be careful and keep that helmet on!)

  20. I second, and third all the above congratulations already sent your way. Looking forward to future posts about your patient escapades and whatever bunnies have to do with it, or not.

  21. SO glad to hear the good news, bummer on the work stuff, and believe me that is everywhere (including hospice I hate to say), but right now let's focus on the happy news with a great big HOORAY!


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