Wednesday, January 11, 2012

While you're waiting for a real new post, kd lang.


  1. Love this song.

    Also - I see your baby porcupine and raise you baby sloths:
    (Fair warning...searching baby sloth on YouTube may be detrimental to your productivity. But beneficial to your happy factor.)

  2. I love her voice...she seems to sing so effortlessly.

  3. For me, watching (in YouTube videos) how obviously *happy* Tony Bennett is when he's recording in the studio with k.d. lang; and also the mutual admiration and respect Tony Bennett and k.d. lang have FOR each other (as vocal artists) is ............ just *wonderful* to see!!

    When questioned, Frank Sinatra always used to say that HIS favorite singer was Tony Bennett; so the admiration that Tony Bennett has had (for years) for k.d. lang's ~ *e.n.o.r.m.o.u.s.* ~ talent ............ then places her, (i.e., directly and indirectly), in the company of some REAL "Musical Legends"!!

  4. Here at my house, we call her voice "sex on stick," but this song, the vocals, the lyrics, well it just tore me up. So beautiful, thanks for sharing.


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