And a question: How come nobody just SINGS the damn NATIONAL ANTHEM any more? It ain't gotta be all bullshit blue-eyed soulsy, okay? Just SING the damn ANTHEM. It's a BRITISH DRINKING SONG. You're not going to make it any less wierd by making every damn line into a trillfest.
And Christina, young lady, I don't want you coming out of your room until you've washed all that paint off your face.
Get off of my lawn.
I agree with you. Plus, she left out the "O'er the ramparts we watched" line altogether. I missed that because I was cringing too much.
O M geebus.
Someone teach the girl proper make up techniques and oh I don't know... THE WORDS?!?
She's done it before. Sung them right I mean. Good lord almighty.
Btw, more snow supposed to come to the big D!! Happy? Ya.. Not looking forward to it either.
Can I get an Amen up in here?!
Really. You can sing. We get it. Now go learn the correct words, please.
That is all.
Just sing the damn song, remember the lyrics, and don't say "thank you" at the end! This wasn't about you! The game is the focus, not you. Really bugged me. Oh, and her hair...
(whoa! not usually so snarky!)
And learned the words!
Bet Keith Urban could have done a better job!
Yeah..I was too pretty disappointed in her performance...not that I was expecting much. However, despite the poor performance and wrong place wrong time thing, she has a pretty good voice.
The one and only time anyone has ever diddled around with it and succeeded: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRvVzaQ6i8A
Preaching to the choir here. Hate hearing songs mangled, especially this one.
Anyone on tv ever heard of letting some of your inner beauty shine through? Thought not. too old fashioned a concept.
You tell 'em sister. Horrible. Although...much better than I could have ever done. I would have fainted dead away at the thought. :)
Mama Cass did sang it best. Wouldn't it be nice to hear it sung simply and well? Not that it's my anthem (great northerner here) but it deserves respect rather than theatrics. We have a cop up here who sings at hockey games-- he sings our anthem simply and well and it's a pleasure to listen to him. GREAT GAME though!
Amen, Sister! Amen, amen, amen!
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