Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Today was Day Two of SNOTORIOUS B.I.G. up in Yeehawton, and boy are we feeling it. Everything from Big Tex to the Canadian border is apparently under sixteen feet of snow, mammoths are roaming, and people have resorted to spearing the weak and elderly for food.

In all seriousness, I am worried about Abilene Rob. (You out there? You okay?) A patient's family member tried to drive today from Abilene to Dallas and, after eight hours (it's normally a three-hour trip), gave up and got a hotel.

But I am alive and well and warm, and Max got into his hated doghouse and did okay today in the cold, and there is wine.

And today, for the first time since surgery, I swallowed normally.

I was standing in the med room in the CCU, very thirsty. I got a glass of water from the tap, put it to my lips, and slugged back half of it in three big swallows without thinking. Up to now, swallowing has been a six-step process that requires thought and concentration. You have no idea how frustrating that is when you're really, *really* thirsty.

"Wait a second," I thought, "I think I just drank that water right down."

So I tried it again. And it worked.

For the rest of the day, I drank water for the pure pleasure of being able to drink without thinking about it. Then I remembered the pure pleasure of having a really full bladder. I think I've been chronically dehydrated since October 21st.

I wanted to keep this to myself as a secret, hug-it-to-my-chest happiness, but dammit, I've shared all the crap with you guys; you deserve the good stuff, too.

I can swallow again. You don't realize how much you miss it until you can't do it.


  1. Jeez Louise that's good to hear. I am very happy about this.

  2. What a treat to read this after a day of weird-i-tude. Each baby step makes me smile. Happy for you, Jo.

  3. YEA to simple pleasures. (word verification is "grati")

  4. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Delighted for you! Yes, that is truly a wonderful pleasure. Yay!
    Thank you for sharing your new now-you-can-take-it-for-granted skill.


  6. Dude, that's awesome. Mazeltov!

    (It's my PEG's second anniversary this week. Yay for no more chronic dehydration.)

  7. Lurkette6:57 AM

    What fantastic news! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


    *does happy flailing Kermit dance of happiness*

  9. Celeste8:08 AM

    HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! Very glad you had this lovely experience finally happen. Hugs to you!

  10. Hooray! That word doesn't convey how great this is, but it's all that comes out/

  11. SO glad to hear this! Gulp away!

  12. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
    Yay you!

  13. Y.E.A!!! So freaking awesome for you. I'm glad you decided to share. Puts a little lift in my heart on a dreary day.

  14. Bonnie11:10 AM

    Congrats! I can't imagine not being able to do something so very basic. I'm glad you have the ability to swallow back - remember, though, I'm the person who made the Prince Albert reference a few months earlier, so take that comment as you will.

    And I do have to add: at least you never lost your ability to pee normally. I'd rip my hair out if I had to go through a 6 step process just to take a whiz.

  15. Outstanding. Congratulations!

  16. You absolutely should have shared this with us! YAY!!!

  17. Beer by summer?????? :-)

  18. Hot Diggety DAMN! I am so happy for you.

  19. clairesmum6:23 PM

    YEAH!! thanks for sharing the good news! Stay warm.

  20. Funny how your perspective changes! Today swallowing, tomorrow you'll be reeling off tongue-twister sentences without wondering if you can be understood. AND no more snorting coffee out your nose.

  21. Wonderful! So happy for you. It really can be the little things that make the difference.


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