Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fall before me, "Cake God".

Two pounds of flour.

Three pounds of sugar.

Two boxes of cocoa.

Two pints of buttermilk.

A dozen eggs.

Three packages of cream cheese.

A pound of butter.

Four ounces of vanilla.

Two pounds of powdered sugar.

I will take you down.


  1. Please watch your step, I am curled up in the pantry waiting for the roar of the mixer. I just made french toast - close as I can get to cake these days

  2. Is this a for real recipe??? If yes, put on a pot of coffee and I'll be at your house ASAP!

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    how big is this cake???

  4. Holy smokes. Photographic evidence will be required here!

  5. Anon: Two two-layer, eight-inch cakes plus eighteen cupcakes. Questions? Direct them to the woman who's frosting cupcakes and taking names.

  6. Ooooh, can I help? I'll lick the beaters!

  7. I want to see pictures too. I also want a fork and a glass of milk...

  8. Real, honest to goodness pound cake. Used to be a pound of each, butter, flour, sugar, and a dozen eggs and enough milk to make a batter. This sounds even better.

  9. holy hell that's a lot of ingredients. Size wise not number of wise.


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