Monday, November 01, 2010

Dammit! Why didn't somebody correct me?

It's obTurator.

Now I feel like the world's biggest goofball.

Can I use Lortab as an excuse? Or the fact that I'm originally from a planet with no T, only D?

Grumple, smarl, qrouch, grumple!


  1. I think we just didn't know.

  2. Oh, I _so_ knew. Well, maybe I didn't. I'm the guy that didn't know what an uvula was for, after all.

    In any case, you typed it loudly enough, with such confidence, we were sure you were correct (see W. Strunk's rule, "If you don't know to say a word, say it loud!").

  3. Oh my - well you were STRESSED a little at the time so we will forgive you! Is it easier for you to say obTurator or obDurator? No need to worry about being the World's Biggest Goofball as I already hold that position! Here's hoping you are healing well.

    WV=flychiti: maybe this is what happens when you are on Lortab??

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    We assumed that you did.
    Whime. Wromg. Smap.
    But although "obturate" means "to close," "obdurate" means "to harden."
    In your defense, "obdurator" makes excellent sense to me--it's fixed stubbornly, very firmly, in place, or it had better be so, right?

  5. I never would have known, except you taught me :)

  6. Bonnie4:54 PM

    Blame it on the speech bulp.

  7. You shouldn't have said anything, I was just convinced I'd had it wrong, spelling it with a t all this time.

  8. Stress. And the fact that the thing in your mouth made you pronounce it wrong, so you spelled it like you pronounced it.

  9. wer awl juging u on yer speling!1!

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    that's ok. I just figured out why your blog is called head nurse.

  11. Cr0w$c@lling1:19 AM

    What?! You were expecting me to know. The obturwhatzits involves neither the brain nor spine. And now I will forever know it as the obdurator.


  12. Wayne is too funny. Also, I didn't know. And I think obdurator just sounds and looks more right. So there.

  13. Suzanne B12:14 PM

    Because you have other things to think about and it doesn't really matter. We know what you meant.
    Oh, and the Lortab, too!

  14. Jennifer B2:42 PM

    I just wanted to you to know that obTurator was a possibility as an asnwer on an exam I took today-thanks to you, I knew exactly what it was! Hope you are doing well!


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