Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Portrait of the Author.

Head Nurse Jo, in all her glory.


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I have been following your blog for months and today when seeing your picture was the first time I connected "Head Nurse" with your job, I feel very slow now!

  2. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Is this the latest in radiation helmets? Too funny!

    You might be amused by this article:

    It is by Christopher Hitchens, battling a cancer of his own with a nice dose of black humor. Money quote: "In Tumor Town you sometimes feel that you may expire from sheer advice."


  3. Ya know, this lends itself to a "dim bulb" joke... :-P

  4. Ellana: I've been reading Hitchens since his diagnosis, and love his essays. I especially liked the line you quoted in this last one.

    Moose: You're not the first one to mention that. It makes me wonder.

  5. Just ask the radiologist if he can hit you through the lamp shade.

    On second thought, why burn such a cute retro shade?

  6. Ah, now I'll recognize you anywhere. You're the one with the great sense of humor!

  7. I pictured you with less fringe and maybe a cheetah print shade... funny how off I was! :)

  8. Anonymous9:01 PM

    If that's a flea market I wah go there. If it's your living room, aahhhummm. . . .very nice! Eclectic! Elyse


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