Monday, October 25, 2010

Did I mention? I shaved my head.

Not sure if I'd mentioned that already, but I did. I have 3/4-inch-long stubble, dyed bright screaming red, all over my head. It's incredibly sleek and cute and makes me look like I'm 18 again.

I figured it was easier to shave it now than watch it come out in huge clumps during radiation.


  1. Aw, no fair describing something that cool when we know you're not going to show pictures. =B^)

  2. :-D (big, huge smile).

  3. Yay, you! That's EXACTLY what I hope I would have the nerve to do if ever I'm faced with chemotherapy or radiation. It's also what I'm planning on doing when the day comes that I have to move into a nursing home. Excuse me, a senior care facility.

  4. It sounds wonderful!!! Pic, please???

    WV ~ "spingro" !

  5. Good call. If I ever face radiation or chemo (doesn't chemo do that too, or at least some flavors of chemo?) I will do the same thing, though I'd hate to see it go.

    I like your style, Jo. Hope your new obdurator comes in the mail soon.

  6. A friend of mine, when she was going through chemo, made hers a pink Mohawk. Take control where you can.

  7. You go girl! It's your head, you make it look purty!

  8. Celeste5:57 PM

    Whoaaaa! That's pretty wild.

    I think it's good you got it done. My friend who had aggressive chemo said it's so gross when it starts falling out long; she was bringing breakfast to the table and her kid was all grossed out because a clump of it fell in the butter. Gotta be easier on your drains, too!

    I'm so impressed with all of this posting. However, it's probably a release to you to make yourself completely understood. Thank frog you had a blog already!

  9. I remember my mom asking her hair stylist before she went into chemo if she would shave her head, the lady agreed. All the other stylists gave my mother the weirdest looks while it was happening, but the lady we had was totally cool and understood. Take power where you can and dying kick ass red is even better! You are my favorite nurse!

  10. I'm disabled and I decided a while ago to do anything I could to make it easier to get dressed in the morning. Part of that was getting rid of my once waist-length hair.

    I go into the cheap-o chain haircutting place and every time I have to remind them that my hair is cut with the #3 length electric razor, even though they put that info into the computer. The last time the person about to cut my hair leaned over to me and whispered, "Are you sure?? That's A MAN'S CUT!"

    Took me a while to stop laughing. :-)

  11. Bald is beautiful my dear. Bald is beautiful

  12. I bet you are gorgeous! Even so, I wasn't kidding about the hat - just say the word.

  13. Once again rock! Although I agree with Scrub Ninja - you are a horrible tease. You know we're just dying for photos.

  14. This is so cool.
    I have always been tempted to shave my head but I am not gutsy enough.

  15. Lurkette9:36 PM

    Way cool! I bet you look adorable!

    I shaved my head at the beginning of my first chemo - but now I wish I'd had the foresight to die the stubble a bright primary color, too.

    Said it before, I'll say it again - you rock, Jo!

  16. Cr0w$c@lling10:28 PM

    $50 bucks, to the hoes and blow fund if you dye it blue!!!!


  17. JannieCPH10:34 PM

    You rock that bald head, Jo !!! Do you think your hair wiill be different when it crows back, or is that just a chemo - thing ??

  18. Heidi1:05 AM

    Picture picture picture picture! (Maybe you could do one from behind, if you still want to remain anon? Must see this dye job!)

  19. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Sounds wonderful! And you made the right decision to nip your hair on your own.

  20. Prayers for your upcoming radiation. I hope it spares everything that isn't a target.

    Sorry about the hair thing. When my 28 year old son was 7 and having brain radiation for his leukemia, he had no problem "going gangsta" and wearing a bandana. I can understand why women might treat it a little differently.

    Oh, BTW, since they tatooed his head, you should see some of the funny looks he gets when he gets his hair cut!

  21. My other half went to get a No 1 cut the week after they gave him the chemo with that effect. The hospital where he both worked and was treated had a hairdresser in the entrance foyer who did special rates for chemo patients - £1 (this is 17 years ago). After it grew back he decided he liked it like that and went for another cut. This time it was £4 - so he went out and bought his own clippers and I have cut it ever since! I don't really see him as a candidate for primary colours though somehow!

    Good for you - I want to seeeeeee!!

  22. It is indeed perfect on her. I can confirm.

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM are everything I hope to be (and I'm already way older than you, so I better get crackin'!) !! I LOVE the red hair and how you are taking charge of everything. Yay, Jo!
    I think you should think about putting some really cool tat on your head. When your hair grows back, no one will see it, but you (and we) will know it's still there...a testament to your kick-ass journey. :)
    Rock on!

  24. Pics or it didn't happen! ;)

  25. Awe-SOME.

  26. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yeah! Had my head shaved for brain surgery years ago and have left it short ever since - you never know what will turn out to be a (quirky) bonus! I don't see it as a problem for us women - you see every imaginable length out there these days. I do occasionally giggle when someone calls me Sir...

  27. Brave is not the word. You are... UBER-BRAVE!


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