Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Sometimes it's really not worth it to get out of bed.

My washer broke today. It'll make noises like it's spinning, but it won't spin. The trouble is the clutch drive on the spin widget; apparently, when there are teeth broken off, this is what happens.

Since I bought an off-brand washer from Friendly Fred's Washer Emporium, it'll take two weeks for the replacement widget to arrive (from Albania, maybe?) and the damn thing'll cost about three hundred bucks. Apparently there's one place on the planet that makes this particular widget, and they only make about three of them a year, and they're gold-plated. Or something.

So, for two hundred bucks more, I bought a new washer. I expect the nice folks from Sears to be calling any time with a delivery date. I figure it's a good use of two hundred extra dollars, since I won't have to wait two weeks for delivery (geez, I hope not), I won't have to take the dadratted washer apart myself, and I won't have to worry about any parts left over when I put it back together. Plus, it's a Kenmore, so the parts will be manufactured for the forseeable future.

And that el fantastico Roman shade I made is...well, it's coming down. The glue I used to stick everything together apparently couldn't handle both cats climbing on it and horrendous heat coming through the window.

And I'm just generally grumpy. I shouldn't be; I worked out this morning for the first time since May 29th, and did okay. I have air conditioning and money in the bank. It rained like the dickens here earlier, complete with huge thunderations that brought Max in like a shot for belly rubs. My scrubs are clean, if soaking wet. The cats were especially sweet and cuddly during their nap today.

Maybe it really will be okay after all.


  1. Maybe it's a random bad day or a random bad week. One thing I've learned over the past 16 years of bad things, bad months, bad years, an almost bad decade, is that a neutral or even positive outlook is more beneficial.

    Occasional whining or venting are fine.

    Just jump over the muck and the mire as much as possible.

    Remember you're an incredible nurse who makes a difference in many lives. Not just your patients but all your readers here as well.

    Sending good juju vibes your way ^^^^^^^^^^^^


  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I really, really like your blog, both the writing and the topics. You have a sane yet somewhat loopy viewpoint, with some wry thrown in, that closely matches mine. I find myself agreeing with you all the time. Keep it up!

  3. Belly rubs and cuddles are the only things that count, anyway.

    I hope the rest of the week goes better.

  4. YAY a new washer! Yes I'm odd and get excited over new appliances. It sucks your old one broke, but you get a shiny new toy!
    Bummer about the Roman shade, but at least you know how to make another one and know what not to use to make it.
    Hope your week gets better and that they call soon for delivery.

  5. Put on those wet scrubs and go to work. It can only go downhill from there!

  6. roman shades can be made with a special fabric strip with littl rings already sewed on it. I saw some cool ones made from IKEA bedspreads. called- I dunno- Cotoborg? Blergbed?

    Seriously, roman shades are a pretty easy sewing project- the perfect gateway drug.

    I think you made a good call on the washer. My mom's Kenmore lasted something like twenty five years.


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