Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I post this, you whiny Canuck piano-playing, toque-wearing irritant...

...only because I needed one thing more, just one thing, to make me stop wanting to stab my eyes out today, and to make me laugh instead.

To say I've had a bad day is to say the sea is moist, or the sky a bit up there, or the Pope possibly a very, very observant Episcopalian.

Any day that begins with the words, "What did I tell you yesterday? DON'T TOUCH MY PATIENTS!" and ends with the words, "Well, we think you might have glaucoma" is not a day to be cured with some sort of bullshit, meet-cute crap video for an annoying earworm of a song that never should've made it off of American Idol.

However, it does give me something to hate.

Ladies and germs, I give you: Toque-wearing, whining, meet-cute maestro, Daniel Whatsisfuck:


  1. Well, at least you only have to deal with the sweet, supportive, encouraging training nurse from hell for what, another 6 weeks?

    (btw, word verification was 'ocular.' Appropriate, yes?)

  2. If you will remember, I didn't "might have glaucoma" I had "holy shit you're really young for this but you so totally have glaucoma". Laser trabeculoplasty is yer friend. My pressures have been spot-on perfect in the two years since. I couldn't be happier with it.

    As for the asshat pantload who doesn't think you should touch any patients, channel the Size Tens, dearie. Channel the Size Tens.


  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Glaucoma, seriously?

    Oh, ((Jo)).



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