Sunday, January 11, 2009

I had a *really* bad day.

But, instead of complaining, I want to show you what I came home to tonight:

It's not *your* bed. It's *our* bed.

No, really, you can take the other half.

Or perhaps I'll come over here, for belly rubs.

Hey! Why'd you stop?


  1. It is always nice to come home to someone (or animal) that doesn't care what kind of day you had, or if you are in a bad mood, its always the same greeting, and they love you unconditionally! So cute!!!

  2. He's got the sweetest face!

    And he's kind enough to pre-warm the bed for you. How cool is that? I bet he will happily take you out to play or go for a walk, too!

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Awwww, goggies have the magic powers.
    All better.

  4. Tell him Auntie Penny LOVES HIM.

  5. What a guy. Should I be jealous?

  6. Nice snout.

    I love long snouts. On dogs, that is. On people, not that much.


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